This week had its moments but somehow when you are at your lowest, Heavenly Father will pick you right up.
On Wednesday I was having a rough day. I still can't understand these Filipinos well at all, I haven't been given the gift of tongues yet but I keep patiently waiting and practicing, I also can't seem to stop sweating some days, and to top it all off we didn't have any water in our house so we were quite dehydrated. So you can see where I am going with this, it was a rough week!
I was sitting in a lesson with Sister Angelica (who is a progressing investigator) when I was hit with such a touching experience. Sister angelica has had trouble with the Word of Wisdom/coffee, My companion and I had been praying that Heavenly Father would help her overcome this challenge in her life. As we were sitting there in the lesson we asked her how she was doing with the word of wisdom. She looked us in the eyes and said I haven't drunk coffee in a week. Me being quite shocked asked her in my broken Tagalog, "Sister, why is that?" She said every time she drinks coffee, it hurts her stomach and brings up such bad heart burn that she can't drink it. Now you may be thinking that Elder Richards is crazy for being so happy about this. But I know that the Lord answers prayers in any way possible. Whether it be by a miracle or by causing heart burn. :) The Lord will help anyone. Remember when times get hard to talk to the Lord about it. He wants to help us, but He also wants us to ask for His help.
We had a branch half day mission on Saturday and Elder Miller and I were separated and I was put with a few teenagers in the ward. It was my first opportunity to lead a whole lesson in Tagalog by myself... Lets just say I still have some work to do, but I had a great time. I am so impressed with the teens here in the Philippines, they have so much strength and love.
Elder Miller and I continue to hasten the work here in Hagonoy. We had another baptism this week which is awesome. Sadly we won't be able to have one this week because we have the opportunity to watch conference (we are a week behind everyone). I have heard conference was great and touching.
I love and miss you all. Hope everyone has a stellar week.
Elder Richards

The Awesome Filipino Teenagers!
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